Monday, February 10, 2014

Project: New Finnishness Day, 2014

I discuss about this in our meeting and have also posted the idea in our Facebook group sometimes ago. We would like to invite you all to take part in this new kind of multidisciplinary art project that JMPC is organizing with JOMONI on the occassion of New Finnishness day at Joensuu, in May this year. This is an interesting project we are doing this year and are looking for artist of all different form to take part in this project. Read in the end how you as photographers can take part in this.


Tule luomaan uutta suomalaisuutta kanssamme!

Joensuun seudun monikulttuurisuusyhdistys (JoMoni) ry on järjestämässä kuudetta kertaa Uuden suomalaisuuden juhlaa Snellmanin ja Suomalaisuuden päivänä maanantaina 12.5.2014. Sitä edeltää taiteellinen prosessi, jonka tulokset esitellään Uuden suomalaisuuden juhlassa. Prosessiin liittyen JoMonin Kansainvälinen valokuvakerho JMPC tuottaa hyvissä ajoin ennen juhlaa joukon valokuvia, joita yhteistyökumppanimme, eri alojen taiteilijat tulkitsevat: tuottavat omia kuvia, musiikkia, tanssia, tekstiä jne. Työskentelyyn varataan riittävästi aikaa. Näistä yhteisistä tuotoksista, joissa tulkitaan samoja teemoja - alun perin kansainvälisen valokuvakerhon jäsenten tekemiä valokuvia - koostuukin juhlan anti. Juhlassa on esillä tanssia, musiikkia, tekstejä, maalauksia - tämä itse asiassa riippuu teistä, yhteistyökumppaneistamme.
Tule mukaan tähän kiehtovaan projektiin, joka avaa mahdollisuuden aitoon keskusteluun ja uuden kulttuurin tekemiseen yhdessä!

JoMonin puheenjohtaja Olga Davydova-Minguet sekä juhlatoimikunta

Let´s create new Finnishness together!

Joensuu Multicultural Association (JoMoni) is celebrating the New Finnishness Day on Monday May 12th, 2014, for the sixth time. This year, the party is preceded by a creative process, the results of which will be displayed at the party. For this purpose, the Joensuu Multicultural Photography Club(JMPC) will produce in good time before the party a set of photos that are open for creative interpretation by you, artists of different fields. The interpretations can be in the form of pictures, music, dance, texts etc. The products of this artistic process, based on photos by members of the Joensuu Multicultural Photography Club (JMPC), will form the core of the New Finnishness Party. There will dance, music, recitals of texts, paintings and other artistic work. Whatever it will be − it is up to you, our counterparts!
Join us for this exciting project that provides a way to new discussions and new artistic work!
Olga Davydova-Minguet, the Chair of JoMoni, and the New Finnishness Day working group
tel. 0458491556 Hanna-Leena Partinen


As a photographer, you are needed to produce good photos which in YOUR POINT OF VIEW picturize the New Finnishness in your view through photographs. Think about the different themes, color/BW, horizontal/vertical orientation and ways you want to represent that idea, be creative and there is no limit for imagination. If you find the project interesting and are interested to take part in this project, send us your theme and photo(s) to our email by next weekend (ie by 28.2). We need to provide to the artists with the photos as soon as possible. It does not matter if you make new photos or one of your old photo(s) unless it fits into your theme. For this version that you are going to send, your photos do not need to be all ready for printing or fully edited, but we need photos that represents the idea of your view on theme. Just make sure that each photo is less than 2MB in size, we will ask for better quality photo later for printing. Please feel free to share and spread the word around.