Thursday, August 23, 2012

Workshop : Aerial Photography with Rami Saarikorpi and Olli-Pekka Mahrberg

What happens when RC copters are combined with photography? And what about 360panorama photos? its not a riddle- its an awesome perspective for photographing stuffs!

Joensuu Multicultural Photography Club (JMPC) would like to invite you all to our special Aerial Photography workshop with Rami Saarikorpi and Olli-Pekka Mahrberg

Olli-Pekka Mahlberg is a double master of F3N-series (flying helicopters) and has over 7 years experience of R/C copters. Rami Saarikorpi is a 360 panorama specialist and consultant
. At the moment they are collaborating together for 360 aerial panoramas and working hard to get video cameras flying around. Their website which is being launched soon can be reached at and . Aerial panoramas haves not get media attention yet, but it soon will, as not so many people dont know about this project yet.

Their latest work:

In this session with JMPC, Olli is going to show how to fly with his special copter ( and Rami will show his panorama techniques. And of-course we are going to take 360 panorama of the whole group who comes around to the session (with copter of course). Rami and Olli are more than happy to answer any questions or matters of concern during and after the workshop.

It is not really necessary to bring your camera to the workshop, but you might get some interesting pictures if you want. Taking some warm clothes along with a notebook might be helpful though.

Date: Thursday, 30th of August, 2012
Time : 18:00 - 20:00
Address : Restaurant Gaude, Länsikatu 18, 80110 Joensuu
(If you dint find the place or coming later, call Barun at 0401590888 )

Convey this message around and bring your friends if they are interested. This is free workshop for everyone who is interested in aerial photography or just curious how it is actually done in practice. If you have kids, bring them along to show what kind of cool stuffs you all can do. Come along, come with your friends. We will have small snacks for us.

Welcome! :-)

- the JMPC group
( )

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