Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Joensuu Photo Walk 2013" : World Photography Day

August 19th is a World Photography Day. We are going to do a photo walk together to celebrate the day for a reason we all in this group are connected to, i.e. Photography.

Usually, there is no theme in photo walk. Everyone comes their camera, phones, etc and shoot whatever comes during the walk, everyone walking same path takes different types of photo based on their interest. Being with other photographers helps one to see things in ways others hadn’t noticed before. At the end of the walk, we will gather at the Coffee house and share our photographing experience.

Come and meet others to see how they see the same street with different eyes. And the idea is not to be lazy and kick ourself to walk in the evening with our camera and have some chat with fellow photographers. If you don't know or haven't done photo-walk before, check the link below:


Starting location : Silta - Maahanmuuttajatyön keskus. Koulukatu 24B, in front of Kela office.
When : Monday, 19.8
Time : 17:00 - 19:00, lasts 90-120 minutes

Ending location: Coffee house

WARNING: It is a fun and social event for photographers but might look dangerous and scary for many pedestrians when a group of photographers are walking in street directly towards them with open gears and assaults shooting here and there!

It is a free public event anyone can join, come to FB event if you are coming:


share the event with others, see you there !

UPDATE: Here are the photos that were submitted for the walk:


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