BOOM !! So here comes the information for the ultimate Kolvananuuro Nature Reserve trip for the beautiful Autumn. For Finnish read along ...
When? Saturday (21.9) 21st of September, 2013
Where to meet? We gather in front of our meeting place which is located in front of Kela office (Koulukatu 24B).
Time? We meet at 9:30. Please be there in time so that we can stick to our plan and people can spend more time in Kolvananuuro Nature Reserve than waiting for you in a parking lot.
How long? the schedule for the trip is planned to be from 10-16, but we might also be late or earlier than that.
How much does it cost? We don't have to pay for any activity, but we will collect the fuel which might be around 5 euros for both ways altogether. It's good if you could take coins with you so that it is easy to pay small amount of money right away.
Plan: It takes about 30 minutes drive to Kolvananuuro Nature Reserve from Joensuu. In Kolvananuuro, we start walking from the parking lot along the marked trail which is about 5 km. We take our food and everything you need with you, and use the fireplace after we have a good hiking.
The beautiful nature of Kolvananuuro is about 35 km north from Joensuu and has interesting geological formation between rocks. The area is little bit different than normal Finnish landscape and has quite diverse vegetation. We will make a trip there and take a walk in the gorge between the rocks, and in the end make fire and eat something. The idea is not to be competitive or fast but to enjoy the beautiful nature together and watch at the forest and sky and birds, smell the place. If somebody wishes to take break or want to see some place longer, it is also possible. There is a good fireplace, trash place that we can use, so take food and maybe sausages. It is also possible to swim in one of the beautiful beach.
What you need:
- Camera(s), batteries fully charged.
- A good hiking shoes, preferably water resistance. No sleepers, flipflops etc. If you don't have hiking boots, you should be able to manage with your sports shoes or rubber boots.
- Comparatively warm clothes
- food / snacks after the walk or during the walk. There is a fireplace to make food so take some sausage, bread, salad, or something you want to eat. Please buy those food before you come so that we can stick to our plan. Somebody can take mustard, firesticks for sausages, matches, paper
- Just in case it rains, take umbrella or raincoat, some dry clothes to change
- Charge the batteries for both mobile phones and camera.
( Note: You don't need warm clothes during the walk as we will probably be somehow walking uphill, so also take light clothes for the walk, but during stops you might need some warm clothes.)
These suggested routes are probably not friendly for baby-carrier-cars. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please reply to this message, or call Barun (0466668714,
IMPORTANT: we need to know how many cars we need, so when you get this message, please reply immediately if you are coming or not, even replying "I am (not)coming" is enough. Since the time is very soon, we are only able to count the people who replies that they are coming. Since we dont have contact information of all the people, please forward this message to your friends who are interested.
When? Saturday (21.9) 21st of September, 2013
Where to meet? We gather in front of our meeting place which is located in front of Kela office (Koulukatu 24B).
Time? We meet at 9:30. Please be there in time so that we can stick to our plan and people can spend more time in Kolvananuuro Nature Reserve than waiting for you in a parking lot.
How long? the schedule for the trip is planned to be from 10-16, but we might also be late or earlier than that.
How much does it cost? We don't have to pay for any activity, but we will collect the fuel which might be around 5 euros for both ways altogether. It's good if you could take coins with you so that it is easy to pay small amount of money right away.
Plan: It takes about 30 minutes drive to Kolvananuuro Nature Reserve from Joensuu. In Kolvananuuro, we start walking from the parking lot along the marked trail which is about 5 km. We take our food and everything you need with you, and use the fireplace after we have a good hiking.
The beautiful nature of Kolvananuuro is about 35 km north from Joensuu and has interesting geological formation between rocks. The area is little bit different than normal Finnish landscape and has quite diverse vegetation. We will make a trip there and take a walk in the gorge between the rocks, and in the end make fire and eat something. The idea is not to be competitive or fast but to enjoy the beautiful nature together and watch at the forest and sky and birds, smell the place. If somebody wishes to take break or want to see some place longer, it is also possible. There is a good fireplace, trash place that we can use, so take food and maybe sausages. It is also possible to swim in one of the beautiful beach.
What you need:
- Camera(s), batteries fully charged.
- A good hiking shoes, preferably water resistance. No sleepers, flipflops etc. If you don't have hiking boots, you should be able to manage with your sports shoes or rubber boots.
- Comparatively warm clothes
- food / snacks after the walk or during the walk. There is a fireplace to make food so take some sausage, bread, salad, or something you want to eat. Please buy those food before you come so that we can stick to our plan. Somebody can take mustard, firesticks for sausages, matches, paper
- Just in case it rains, take umbrella or raincoat, some dry clothes to change
- Charge the batteries for both mobile phones and camera.
( Note: You don't need warm clothes during the walk as we will probably be somehow walking uphill, so also take light clothes for the walk, but during stops you might need some warm clothes.)
These suggested routes are probably not friendly for baby-carrier-cars. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please reply to this message, or call Barun (0466668714,
IMPORTANT: we need to know how many cars we need, so when you get this message, please reply immediately if you are coming or not, even replying "I am (not)coming" is enough. Since the time is very soon, we are only able to count the people who replies that they are coming. Since we dont have contact information of all the people, please forward this message to your friends who are interested.
JMPC:n retki Kolvananuuron luonnonpuistoon!
Englanninkielinen teksti kertoo enemmän. Tässä lyhyesti:
Lauantaina 21.9.
Kokoontuminen klo 9.30 Kelan edessä, rakennus, missä JMPC kokoontuu. Koulukatu 24B.
Retki on suunniteltu aikavälille 10-16, mutta saatamme palata myöhemmin tai aiemmin.
Tämä huvi ei maksa mitään muuta kuin bensakulut, ota mukaan noin 5 euroa käteisellä ja ehkä kolikkoina mahdollisesti, niin voidaan jakaa kulut heti.
Matkaan menee noin puoli tuntia. Kolvananuurolla teemme n. 5 km retken. Otamme eväät mukaan ja kävelyn jälkeen syödään nuotiolla. Kolvananuuro on noin 35 km Joensuusta ja se on geologisesti mielenkiintoinen, kallioiden välissä. Maisema poikkeaa normaalista suomalaisesta maisemasta ja siellä on melko monimuotoista kasvillisuutta. Kävelemme kallioiden välissä ja lopuksi syömme nuotiolla eväitä. Emme yritä kilpailla tai olla nopeita vaan nautimme luonnosta, katselemme kasveja, eläimiä, ympäristöä.Matkalla voidaan pysähtyä. Voit myös uida jos haluat.
Ota mukaan
-kamera(t), täydet akut
-hyvät kävely- tai vaelluskengät, tai lenkkarit, tai kumisaappaat
- suhteellisen lämpimiä vaatteita (kävellessä voi tulla kuuma, mutta tauoilla kylmä)
- ruokaa tai pientä purtavaa kävelyn jälkeen tai sen aikana. Esim. makkaraa, leipää, salaattia tai mitä ikinä haluakin. Hanki ruoka ennen matkalle lähtöä. Jotkut voisivat ottaa sinappia, makkaratikkuja, paperia, tulitikut.
- säävarauksena sadetakki tai -varjo, ehkä kuivaa vaatetta
-lataa sekä kännykkäsi että kamerasi
Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, ehdotuksia, kommentteja, vastaa tähän viestiin englanniksi, tai soita Barunille (0466668714, tai suomeksi Tuulikille (0452379668).
TÄRKEÄÄ: Emme tiedä, paljonko tarvitsemme autoja, joten kun saat tämän viestin, vastaa tuletko vai etkö, niin osaamme varautua paremmin. Viestiä voi laittaa eteenpäin. Jos et tule, voit vastata "en tule", sekin auttaa.
Englanninkielinen teksti kertoo enemmän. Tässä lyhyesti:
Lauantaina 21.9.
Kokoontuminen klo 9.30 Kelan edessä, rakennus, missä JMPC kokoontuu. Koulukatu 24B.
Retki on suunniteltu aikavälille 10-16, mutta saatamme palata myöhemmin tai aiemmin.
Tämä huvi ei maksa mitään muuta kuin bensakulut, ota mukaan noin 5 euroa käteisellä ja ehkä kolikkoina mahdollisesti, niin voidaan jakaa kulut heti.
Matkaan menee noin puoli tuntia. Kolvananuurolla teemme n. 5 km retken. Otamme eväät mukaan ja kävelyn jälkeen syödään nuotiolla. Kolvananuuro on noin 35 km Joensuusta ja se on geologisesti mielenkiintoinen, kallioiden välissä. Maisema poikkeaa normaalista suomalaisesta maisemasta ja siellä on melko monimuotoista kasvillisuutta. Kävelemme kallioiden välissä ja lopuksi syömme nuotiolla eväitä. Emme yritä kilpailla tai olla nopeita vaan nautimme luonnosta, katselemme kasveja, eläimiä, ympäristöä.Matkalla voidaan pysähtyä. Voit myös uida jos haluat.
Ota mukaan
-kamera(t), täydet akut
-hyvät kävely- tai vaelluskengät, tai lenkkarit, tai kumisaappaat
- suhteellisen lämpimiä vaatteita (kävellessä voi tulla kuuma, mutta tauoilla kylmä)
- ruokaa tai pientä purtavaa kävelyn jälkeen tai sen aikana. Esim. makkaraa, leipää, salaattia tai mitä ikinä haluakin. Hanki ruoka ennen matkalle lähtöä. Jotkut voisivat ottaa sinappia, makkaratikkuja, paperia, tulitikut.
- säävarauksena sadetakki tai -varjo, ehkä kuivaa vaatetta
-lataa sekä kännykkäsi että kamerasi
Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, ehdotuksia, kommentteja, vastaa tähän viestiin englanniksi, tai soita Barunille (0466668714, tai suomeksi Tuulikille (0452379668).
TÄRKEÄÄ: Emme tiedä, paljonko tarvitsemme autoja, joten kun saat tämän viestin, vastaa tuletko vai etkö, niin osaamme varautua paremmin. Viestiä voi laittaa eteenpäin. Jos et tule, voit vastata "en tule", sekin auttaa.
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