Thursday, October 25, 2012

JMPC special session: News and Event Photography with Arttu Kokkonen

Joensuu Multicultural Photography Club (JMPC) would like to invite you all to our News and Event Photography session with Arttu Kokkonen.

Arttu Kokkonen is a young event/news photographer from Joensuu. After he studied photography at a vocational school in Joensuu for 3 years in 2008-2011, he have been working as a freelancer for almost a two years now. More about him and his work can be found at:

In these two sessions with JMPC, Arttu is going to show us his work from clubs and from newspaper and tell what it is like to be a freelancer photographer. Apart from talking about this work, he will also give hands-on talk about the gear he uses in different situations. Along this line, he would also like to talk some basic things about flash and long shutter speed and how to combine them together in a way that looks good.

On 29.10, Arttu will talk mostly about events, music.
On 5.11, he will talk about news, sports and freelancer stuff. 

Taking your camera gears along with a notebook might be helpful if you also want to check those settings with your camera during the session. Arttu is more than happy to answer any questions or matters of concern during and after the workshop.

Date: Monday, 29.10.2012 and 05.11.2012
Time : 17:00 - 19:00
Address : VYÖHYKE - nuorisoalan osaamisyhteisö, Suvantokatu 1, Joensuu.
Entrance is from the back side of the wooden house. If you dint find the place or coming later, call Barun at 0466668714

Convey this message around and bring your friends if they are interested. This is FREE session for everyone who is interested in News and Event Photography or just curious how it is actually done in practice. Come along, come with your friends. We will have small snacks during the session.


- the JMPC group
( )

Saturday, October 20, 2012

JMPC exhibition: North Carelia April-September, 2012

In the first weeks of november, JMPC is arranging photo exhibition in the heart of Joensuu. In marketplace next to the Joensuu wolf is the exhibition walls where we will present the Vote project photos + summer/autumn photos from our club members. This time there is no theme for the exhibition, except that photos need to be taken in North Carelia during or after April, 2012, and pictures with people or animals in the photos are more preferable. If someone wishes to participate in the exhibition, they can send small image (long side 1024 pixels, with your name on it) to us ( 

Votings for the exhibition pictures are open now, visit the following link and vote for your (maximum) 10 best pictures. Write your name as a comment for the pictures to vote:

Anyone can vote for their favorite 10 pictures. Voting ends tomorrow midnight (21.10), and final pictures will be sorted out in the next JMPC meeting on Monday, 22.10.